In 2016, when celebrating a 10-year anniversary with Holidaysplease, I set up my Giving Back initiative where I committed to make a charitable donation for every passenger I booked to fly during the calendar year.
The company directors kindly agreed to match my contributions £ for £ and have continued to do so since that time.
Each year I nominate a charity to contribute to and am proud to have supported, amongst others, the likes of Great Ormond Street Hospital, Cancer Research, Shelter and Child Autism UK.
I have been keen to look at smaller charities to support and was introduced to the brilliant iheart via a trusted industry associate, Kym O’Brien, who helps as a facilitator. I was keen to find out more about what they do...

Going into schools to help provide our kids with some tools to deal with the social pressures of the 21st century is a fantastic initiative.
Suitably impressed and with teenage kids of my own, I felt they were a perfect fit for my 2022 nomination. I am very proud to support their work.
With an additional donation at the conference from Holidaysplease in recognition of my 17 years’ service, I am delighted to have been able to donate over £800 because of my 2022 contributions.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my incredible clients for supporting my small business and in turn enabling me to support iheart priciples.
I will confirm my next nominated charity as soon as possible.
Ruth x